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U-link Telecom
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#839 din 839 de Companii din Telecomunicatii
Membru Gratuit din 2007
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U-link Telecom U-link Telecom 026742773 rue Nisard, nr 1, Bruxelles, -
Produse si servicii

Telecommunications carrier and reseller of many national and international destinations.

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Suntem prezenti pe din 2007!
Dear Sir/Madam,

I would like to introduce myself as the Customer Relations Manager of U-Link Telecom. I am sending you this email because I would like us to explore the opportunity of building a relationship between our companies.

About U-Link Telecom SA

U-Link Telecom SA is a newly incorporated company. It is an initiative of Mr. Miko Rwayitare , a well known pioneer of Telecommunication in Africa. U-link Telecom was developed on the acquisition of the assets and business of Traff-X, a Belgium based Carrier to Carrier facilitator. Traff-X was acting in the trading of wholesale quality terminations.
U-Link Telecom is offering telecommunication services on the international telephony wholesale market and is operating as the international Hub for the groups sub Saharan mobile and fix operators.

Mr. Rwayitare founded back in 1985 the cellular company Telecel in Kinshasa, which was the first of a total of 12 mobile companies in different sub Saharan countries. The 12 companies were all sold in 2000 to the Egyptian stock listed as Orascom.

In 2003, a demerger was agreed between Mr. Rwayitare and Orascom. GSM networks were acquired in Burundi, Uganda and the Central African Republic. With plans to roll-out 3G and CDMA2000 technology in Uganda, DR Congo, Nigeria, Kenya and Tanzania. With the ability to use the group's direct routes and interconnection agreements with other major telecommunication players, as well as the group's benefits of scale and efficiency, U-Link Telecom is in a position to rapidly gain a strong foothold in the international telecommunications market.

The association of the access to African Markets, the fast growing VoIP markets worldwide and the acquisition of the know-how and technology developed by Traff-X will be a major key to success.

Our Services

The emergence of VoIP and its new players on the telephony market, together with the need to be interconnected to TDM networks, brought a new dimension to the complexity of interconnections between telecommunications networks. Based on the state-of-the art multi-operator, multi-protocol switching platform acquired from Traff-X, U-Link Telecom is todays natural choice for all voice players worldwide, without distinction of the transmission method (TDM or VoIP).

Moreover, by having developed several added-value services, U-Link Telecom enables new virtual service providers to offer a variety of services to their customers, based on the best routing and billing algorithms. All the Switching Equipment and Operating Systems are assembled and developed by U-Link Telecom. This allows us to offer you the tailor made solution that really fits your business requirements.

U-Link Telecom has setup direct interconnections via strong relations with European/ Asian/ American/ North African and Sub-Saharan carriers and would like to share those interconnections with you and develop new ones.

If you have any questions and /or needs, I remain at your full disposal.


Din Gura in Gura